10 People Snack Foods You Can Share With Your Cat

We often hear about sharing snacks with our dogs, but what about cats? Dr. Jeffrey Levy, a house call veterinarian in NYC, shares many (surprising) treats you can share with your cat. In fact, his kitty, Asti Spumante, eats lettuce, celery, and even a piece of an oatmeal cookie. He does warn to feed these treats sparingly and to stay away from anything with onion, garlic, or small bones

#1 - Mild Cheese

Kitties love anything dairy, and cheese tends to be at the top of the list. Dr. Levy says this includes cream cheese.

#2 – Ice Cream

Another dairy product, it’s a great summertime treat. Vanilla only please, says Dr. Levy.

#3 – Butter

What’s not to like about butter? Just remember it’s high in fat, so definitely do not feed all the time.

#4 – Baby Food.

Dr. Levy says this is a feline favorite. So, next time your toddler is in the high chair, let your cat clean up afterward.

#5 – Liverwurst

If you like liverwurst your kitty is probably your best friend. Feel free to share it with her next time she is begging.

#6 – Cold Cuts

Things like turkey and ham are fine in moderation says Dr. Levy. So whether it’s the giblets at Thanksgiving or piece or your ham from your sandwich, it’s fine for kitty.

#7 – Fish

What cat doesn’t like fish? Dr. Levy says tuna in either oil or water is fine, and so is other fish as long as it’s not fried.

#8 – Potato Chips

Salty and crunchy,potato chips are yummy! But, feed in moderation and remember no onion or garlic flavors.

#9 – Sweet Potatoes

Cats seem to like things that are sweet, and this starchy treat is definitely that. Like us, kitty shouldn’t eat too many though.

#10 – Shrimp

Like fish, cats love seafood! Dr. Levy says shrimp and other seafood is just fine to share with your feline.

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